Thursday, December 27, 2012

Artistic Originality

When it comes to the preforming arts, originality is something that every artist strives for. The process that one goes through to create original works is something that changes with the individual. With so many different ways to present ideas, coming up with something that stands out also allows for constant artistic evolution. Without fresh material art ends up getting recycled and the excitement of original work becomes lost.

Mystifyed Live Producer, Mike Olsen, has spent a great deal of time studying and creating various forms of art. With a belief that it takes talent, patience and a little bit of trial and error to truly create something original, he has, through his own process, developed several musical compositions and pieces of magic. When creating something that no one has ever seen before, there are many questions you need to ask yourself and factors that need to be considered. If you want to truly bring something new to the table you need to look at it from your own perspectives. How would you want it to look? What design criteria would you set for yourself? In looking at those personal choices you may find that some of them need to be changed or modified in order to see your idea through to fruition. By opening yourself up to this different way of thinking you are doing more than just taking another performers material and calling it your own. You are using your talent and your passion to stand out among your peers and push the limits of your art even further.

Throughout any creative process you may get frustrated and want to give up. You may think that whatever you are working on is a bad idea. The only bad idea is the one that you give up on. So to all the originators, no matter what your field of work, because of you art has seen great strides and will continue to grow. Never give up on your dreams, you never know where they will take you and what legacy you will leave behind by following them.

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